Mentorship Program Registration

Registration Process-Mentee and Mentor

    Do you commit to at least 2 hours a week for a month to the mentoring relationship?

    Do you commit to at least 3 hours per month to mentoring relationships? A mentor should have selected more than one mentee or have a busier schedule with only one mentee for 3 months

    Status of Employment.

    Professional/Job Title


    Your Location:

    Function/ areas of Experience: Which function or industry are you working in?

    Years of experience at mentorship programme:

    Career Experience:

    Mentoring Motivation:What do you intend to achieve at the end of the program and value will add to your mentees life.

    Gender Mentor Preference

    Do you have any disabilities.

    If yes, please mention.

    Coaching Motivation:What do you intend to achieve at the end of the program.

    Do you have any disabilities

    If yes, please mention

    Language Proficiency:

    Hard Skills

    Goals:As a mentor what do you want to share?

    Other topics/skills mentors

    Ideal Mentee:list the skills and qualities of a mentee as a mentor you are looking for in the person to mentor.

    Free time activities/hobbies

    Agree to the terms and conditions/disclaimer including the privacy policy before clicking, complete

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